domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018

English Language Challenges

Hello everybody
Now I Will refer to my experience with English Language.

Since I was child to this day it's hard for me to learn English. In the class I pay attentionand and I try to understand but it's very difficult for me, especially listen in english.

In the university I have had English classes most of the semesters and it has been good because I keep practicing constantly, altough I should practice more. I think that write in blogs its's a very good activity becouse reinforce everything learned in the classes, like to write in different verb tenses, and expand the vocabulary.

The challenge that I have pending is to improved the pronunciation, expand even more the vocbulary  and mainly listen better. I intend to improve this listening to song in english and learning the lyrics to sing them, and whatching movies with audio and subtitle in english. And I would like to travel to some place that speak in English in the near future to be under greater pressure.

Outside the English class I don´t practice much becouse I don´t have much free time and most of the people around me are not good in English. But I must do the  time and practice more on my own.

Well, this is my experience with English language.
I hope you are fine.
Regards .

My Future Job

Hi blogers
Now I Will write about the work that I would like to have in the future.

Well, in this moment I'm studying Geografía and this study is very broad, but I have some favorite subjects like Biogeografía and Recuperación de áreas degradadas, and I would like to practice a profession related to this knowledge and that also integrates territorial planning. This becouse I would like my work generate some positive change in the lives of those who live in certain places.

This job woul be outdoor most of the time, I would have a lot of work in the field and I would recognize a lot of flora and fauna of the place. I would like to have to travel to many places for work but I would like to spend most of my time working on some beach.

Respect to the salary, I don't pretend to earn too much money. I Will settle fo paying my expenses and be able to live quietly. And in the distant future to have a family and pets.

So, I hope you are fine and that we can have the job that we want.

PD: I would like work and live in a place like the picture

Resultado de imagen para flora playa

viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2018

Global Warming

Hello everybody
Today I will write about the Global Warming, phenomenom that increases every day.

Well, the planet goes through glacial and interglacial cycles, and since the first human- the holocene- we are in an interglacial cycle. This refers to the fact that temperature and sea level rise due to ice melting. Although this corresponds to natural processes, the Humans have contribute to the planet faster increasing temperature, mainly through their industries and use of cars, etc.

Honestly, I dont know how to save the planet from global warming becouse. What I would like to do is take out all the industries to be able to live more harmoniously whit the natural environment, but this is not possible in this system.

What is possible in this system is the recycling, becouse this tool the only thing that it can do is keep the planet as we know it, functional to capitalims. The companys and persons reduce their conamination but maintain their polluting activities and their lifestyle. And for me  this is not a real change, just is  prolong our existence in these same conditions.

Well, I hope they are well bloggers.

Resultado de imagen para calentamiento global

viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2018

Personal Opinion

Hello Everybody!

Now I will write about my personal opinion concierning different topics.

About Recycling.
Well, firts, I would like that all people in the world  have a good relation with the planet, I would like that the recycling it not to be necessary in the face of climate change, rather something like a way of life.

About Climate Change
I think that the change climate is increased mainly of the capitalims and his form of production becouse the industrias ande the zones of sacrifice are the ones that pollute the most.
I think that the fact that people recycle does not make sense If industries do not stop polluting.

About the legalizatión of abortion in the 3 cases
My opinion is that the women should have the right the to able decide about our bodies in any case . It seems stupid to me that mens can make desicions about women without knowing our bodies or how it feels. And finally I belive that giving birth must be born of love and not of obligation.

About Inmigration
I belive that inmigration is something natural from the origins of existence and that in humans it is very beneficial for cultural exchange. In Chile there has always been an immigrant population but it bother me that today it is given a negative connotation only by our racism.

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

My year

Hello everybody

Today I would write about this year. Well, this year has not been very good for me but I think I can learn from my good and bad experiencies. Also I have been able to learn more about myself. So, I can say that everything has a positive side.

And now I write  about the good things of ths year. At the beginning of the year, in February, I traveled with my boyfriend to the nort of Chile, to San Pedro de Atacama. And after a week we went to Bolivia and we meet with friends. This travel was very good. We were able to visit many wonderful places.

Another thing that has been good this year was having know another sports shuch as swimming, I really like this sports becouse is very diferent be able to be under water. Also I can konw and work my breathing and resistance. Also, I have climbed many hills in the Santiago and its surroundings and in this moment I was able to see flora and fauna that I had not seen before. 

Weel, for next year I hope to travel to more and news places and in the university I hope be able to learn about many things and enjoy my family and friends.

So, I hope everybody is fine.


This picture is from Torres del Paine, the place I would like to visit. :)
Imagen relacionada

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate Studies

Hello everybody!

Today I will write about what i would like to study in the future. More than studying a postgraduate course related to my career I would like to study another career or some ocupation, preferably in a place outside Santiago.

In case I study another career I would like to study mathematics because I really like this science and I would like to learn more about it. The place where I would like to study maybe is this same university because it's a good university, or in anohter place, in this case I would like to go to the south of Chile or another country becouse I could learn about their lifestyle in adittion to mathematics.

In another case, I would like to study something related to the body. I do not have it very clear yet but I really like dancing, gymnastic and massages. Maybe I could take a course in some academy in Santiago, becouse there are many option, and then I would like to travel to another place. I would like to travel around America Latina and know about the varied gepgraphy that exist.

Well, anyways I would like leave this city becaouse the quality of live is every time is less sustainable, but i Think this is a product of globalization so many places outside Santiago there will be similar problems.